GTI Graphic Technology Inc. logo 845.562.7066
GLE Series Single Source Luminaires


52″ x 30″ (132 cm x 76 cm) five lamp asymmetrical luminaire with iQ soft proofing system (includes LiteGuard) – 48″ T8 lamps



Overview of Models:

The GLE series of luminaires has a thin profile which is ideal for conference rooms and design studios (available with symmetrical or asymmetrical reflectors).  All luminaires come with a switch and line cord.  The LiteGuard may be added to track lamp hours used and indicate when relamping is required.

For soft proofing, GLE luminaires are also available with a digital dimming option or the iQ soft proofing system. Both options include the LiteGuard. The most popular models for this application are the GLE-532A/SP (w/digital dimming option) and the GLE-532A/iQ (w/iQ soft proofing system).