GTI Graphic Technology Inc. logo 845.562.7066
GLE-M Series Multi-Source Luminaires


5 source luminaire with D65, CWF, Inc A, TL-83, & UV. Complete with GTI ColorGuard, push button “Instant On” lamp selector, and automatic light source sequencing. Illuminates a 64″ wide x 42″ deep (163 x 107 cm) viewing area.



Overview of Models

The GLE-M series of multi-source overhead luminaires is designed to help you evaluate and communicate color with absolute confidence. Multiple light sources provide an essential tool for visual color match assessment, comparison of color variation, and detection of metamerism. They also provide a cost effective solution when configuring a viewing area for larger samples or when a viewing booth is not practical. All luminaires comply with industry standards including ASTM D1729, SAE J361, and BS-950 Part 2.

Luminaires can include three to five light sources: Artificial Daylight (D65 or D50), Store Light (CWF or TL84), Home Light (Incandescent A), Optional Source (D50, TL84, TL83, Horizon, or LED), and Ultraviolet. They also include the GTI ColorGuard that tracks light source usage and indicates when to relamp, push button “Instant On” lamp selector, and automatic light source sequencing.

NOTE: Luminaires ordered through the store will be configured with standard light sources as follows:

120V Units:
3 Sources: Artificial Daylight (D65), Store Light (CWF), and Home Light (Incandescent A)
4 Sources: Artificial Daylight (D65), Store Light (CWF), Home Light (Incandescent A), and Ultraviolet
5 Sources: Artificial Daylight (D65), Store Light (CWF), Home Light (Incandescent A), Optional Source (TL83), and Ultraviolet

230V Units:
3 Sources: Artificial Daylight (D65), Store Light (TL84), and Home Light (Incandescent A)
4 Sources: Artificial Daylight (D65), Store Light (TL84), Home Light (Incandescent A), and Ultraviolet
5 Sources: Artificial Daylight (D65), Store Light (TL84), Home Light (Incandescent A), Optional Source (TL83), and Ultraviolet

For custom configurations, please contact GTI.