GTI Graphic Technology Inc. logo 845.562.7066
GTI MiniMatcher® Series


MiniMatcher with D65, CWF, Inc A, TL-83, & UV. Complete with lamp timer, electronic push buttons & auto sequencing feature. 22.75” high x 36” wide x 23” deep (58 x 91 x 58 cm) viewing area.



Overview of Models:

The MiniMatcher series is ideal for the viewing of cosmetics, coatings, consumer goods, ink, packaging, fashion, and more. The ASTM D1729 compliant MiniMatcher series is available in five standard models, with viewing areas ranging from 14.25″ high x 24″ wide x 13.25″ deep to 22.75″ high x 60″ wide x 23″ deep.

The smaller models, MM-1e & 2e, provide three standard light sources: Artificial Daylight (D65 or D50), Store Light (CWF or TL84), and Home Light (Incandescent A).  Ultraviolet or LED may be added as an optional source.

NOTE: Booths ordered through the store will be configured with standard light sources as follows:

120V Units: Artificial Daylight (D65 or D50), Store Light (CWF), and Home Light (Incandescent A)
230V Units: Artificial Daylight (D65 or D50), Store Light (TL84), and Home Light (Incandescent A)

For custom configurations, please contact GTI.

The larger models, MM-4e, MM-2436e, MM-2448e, & MM-2460e include five standard light sources: Artificial Daylight (D65 or D50), Store Light (CWF or TL84), Home Light (Incandescent A), Optional Source (D50, TL84, TL83, Horizon, or LED), and Ultraviolet. These units also include a built-in daylight timer and an illuminated push button control that confirms which light source is selected. To help improve consistency, these viewing booths are easily programmable to provide one touch automatic light source sequencing.

NOTE: Booths ordered through the store will be configured with standard light sources as follows:

120V Units: Artificial Daylight (D65), Store Light (CWF), Home Light (Incandescent A), Optional Source (TL83), and Ultraviolet
230V Units: Artificial Daylight (D65), Store Light (TL84), Home Light (Incandescent A), Optional Source (TL83), and Ultraviolet

For custom configurations, please contact GTI.