GTI Graphic Technology Inc.

211 Dupont Avenue PO Box 3138Newburgh, NY 12550
845-562-7066 845-562-2543

Color & Appearance Products

True Light. True Color – A Commitment to Industry Standards and Guaranteed Quality

GTI’s CMlite color matching systems for industrial color assessment meet the ASTM D1729, SAE J361, AATCC Procedure #9, and ISO 3668 compliance standards for color viewing and have a CIE rating of B/C based on CIE Publication 51, one of the highest in the industry. From desktop systems to complete harmony rooms, GTI can configure a color matching system to meet your requirements.

GTI’s color laboratory assures the accuracy and consistency of CMlite 6500K color viewing lamps and all CMlite products before they are released for shipment. At GTI, we stand behind our products and services while continuing to meet the ever changing needs of our customers. We make no compromises.

color matching systems

Color Matching Systems

Multiple light sources provide an essential tool for visual color match assessment and detection of metamerism.



Ideal for the viewing of cosmetics, coatings, consumer goods, ink, packaging, fashion, and more.

multisource luminaires

Multi-Source Luminaires

The key component when configuring an ASTM D1729 compliant large sample viewing area.

car inspection system

Color Inspection System

Used for inspecting exterior coatings and accessories on any large object. Moveable and provides multiple angles of illumination.

color harmony room

Color Harmony Rooms

GTI will work with you to specify, design, and create a color harmony room that will enable you to meet your customers’ needs.

Vertical Product Inspectors paper inspection

Vertical Product Inspectors

Helps to eliminate costs associated with stock waste, rejections, and reworks. Products specifically designed for paper and textile industries are available.


Particulate Viewing Systems

Assists with the detection of particulate contamination during the manufacturing of pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, and other products.

vertical color matching booth

Vertical Color Matching Booth

A multi-source viewing system. With upper and lower luminaires it is the ideal choice for the visual inspection of colored objects.

simultaneous color viewer

Simultaneous Color Viewer

Designed to help detect metamerism and test color harmony by allowing a visual side by side comparison of colors.

color rendition demonstrator

Color Rendition Demonstrator

An educational tool designed for demonstrating the visual color effects of different light qualities on identical samples.


Multi-source Desktop Viewer

A compact multisource desktop viewing station. It is ideal for client presentations, lab applications, and any business that critically views color.

ColorMatcher Lamps

The 6500K lamps for your CMlite color matching system, the only lamp that guarantees optimum system performance. LED and fluorescent lamps are offered.

munsell neutral gray paint


Standard Gray Neutral 7 for color viewing areas which require Munsell N7/ gray surround.


Lite Support

An audit and certification program that helps ensure that your viewing stations are operating within the ASTM D1729, SAE J361, ISO 3668, and AATCC Procedure # 9 viewing standards.